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Grassroots Football Volunteers Recognised

Friday, May 12, 2017 - 2:31 PM

This week the Sports and Recreation Minister, The Hon. Mick Murray MLA, and the Director General of the Department, Mr Ron Alexander, revealed a feature wall in the reception at the Department’s Offices at Leederville, the wall coincided with the publication of a book by the Department, ‘Grassroots: The Secret Life of Sport and Recreation’.

On the wall, and in the book the Coolbinia Bombers club’s President, Rob Geersen, is profiled as well as another 39 Western Australians discussing why they continue to be involved in sport and recreation and what keeps them coming back every game, every week and every season. Here is a pictures of the reception wall, from the Department’s Facebook page:

You can read Rob’s story, featured in the book,  here  -

Other notable Grassroots AFL people profiled include

  • Bella Ndayikeze | Leader | Mentor | Coach | Edmund Rice Lions.   
    The Edmund Rice Lions, through Bella Ndayikeze, does amazing work to support people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people  to introduce them to the Junior Grassroots AFL and other community sporting groups. The Coolbinia Bombers have formed a close relationship with the Edmund Rice Lions to support and grow AFL in this community, and to welcome them into Junior Community Football clubs.
  • Sally Boud |  AFL Goal Umpire
  • Crispin Roberts | West Coast Amateur Football Club
  • Lynette Smith | Volunteer | Coach | Mascot | Footballer
  • Kim Mickle | Javelin Thrower | Olympian | AFLW Player
  • Akec Makur Chuot | WAFC Community Engagement Coordinator | AFLW Player

East Perth salutes all the people recognised, and are very proud of Rob and the recognition he and the club have deservedly received.