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Notice for the Election of the Board of Management 2020

Friday, August 23, 2019 - 3:56 PM

Election of Board of Management
Following the adoption of a new constitution on the 20th of April 2019 under Section 23.1 ‘to facilitate a rotational system in accordance with the Club’s election process to be held in 2019, four (4) Board Members (one of whom must be the President) shall be required to retire and elections shall be held for their positions on the Board in accordance with the election process outlined in rule 23.7.’

Under the new constitution, as outlined in Section 22.2 ‘The Board Members must, by a majority vote, elect one of their own to the position of President. The President’s term will align with its term as Board Member, and at the expiration of the term, he or she will be required to retire and is eligible for re-election as a Board Member.’

Nominations are called for the position of four (4) Directors for two (2) year terms

The retiring persons all of whom are eligible for re-election are:


  • Bronte Howson
  • Tom Percy
  • Martin Mileham
  • Jo Davies

Every candidate shall be nominated in writing, on the prescribed nomination form, (form available from the Club office) by two members of the Club who are either Ordinary, Lifetime or Life members both of whom shall sign the nomination form. The candidate shall also sign the nomination form as evidence of consent.
Closing Date for Nominations:
Nominations accompanied by the candidate’s resume of no more than 200 words shall be sent or delivered to the Chief Executive Officer on or before 5.00pm on Friday 27th September 2019. Any nomination that is received by the Chief Executive officer after the aforesaid time and date shall be rejected by him.
Dean Turner
Chief Executive Officer